The movie "The Soloist" connects to the relationship that No and Lou. In "The Soloist" the main character is a man that is homeless but has a very amazing talent on the cello and a reporter takes care of him and helps him make his dream of being a professional cellist a reality. This connects to No and Me like how Lou is trying to take care of no by seeing here and helping her cop with her problem of being Homeless teenager. The movie "The Soloist" connects to No and Me By how they live their lives with each other
Reading Calender
November 23: pg 48
November 30: PG 96
December 7: pg 144
December 14: pg 192
December 19: pg 239

1. No and Me
2. Delphine de Vigan
3. Two girls, three friends. One family that is falling apart
4. That their family will not fall apart at the end